Norwegian Forest Cats Switzerland                                

Breeder- and Kittenplatform

Information about the Norwegian Forest Cat


The Norwegian Forest Cat



Stance and care


Why this website?

This website aims to provide reliable information to everybody interested in Norwegian Forest Cats. It shall provide useful information on trusted breeders and their kittens, if available.

On this website, Swiss-based breeders of Norwegian Forest Cats (NFO) can publish the address of their cattery and available kittens for free.

What information does this website provide?

On this website you will find ONLY catteries that breed purebred Norwegian Forest Cats. Mixed breed and illegal breeders are NOT allowed to post their information on this platform.

Every breeder present on this website only breeds purebred NFO and is a member of an official breeders’ association.

Please note that we do, however, disclaim liability for the entries on this website!

How do I find a reliable cattery?

In order to find the “right” cattery for you, in your vicinity and with the “right” kitten for you, please consider the following points:

1.  A trustworthy breeder does not comment other catteries in a negative way. He shall be open and honest with you and shall   answer all questions you might have. He might also want to ask you some questions on your home, where one of his kittens might spend its life.

2.  The cattery must be tidy. It is in the cat’s nature to be a clean animal. Please look out for the hygienic status of the cattery.

3.  A good breeder interacts tenderly and respectfully with all his animals, not only with the kittens and their mothers.

4.  How do the kittens interact with their siblings, with the breeder, with other cats in the cattery and with visitors? Are they react sprightly, are they curious and cuddly?

In general, breeders issue a sales agreement for a kitten. This is mainly to secure the well-being of the animal. As the medical precautions, vaccinations etc. are not the same with every cattery, please do not hesitate to ask the breeder, he will happily answer your questions.

Usually, kittens will be dewormed and vaccinated against kitty flu and feline panleukopenia (cat plague). In some cases, kittens will be tested for leucosis, sometimes even vaccinated against it. It is also possible that the kittens will be chipped – and in many cases you shall receive a health certificate. Please make sure that this certificate is not older than one week.

Please note that a kitten should not move to its new home before having reached its 12th week. With the kitten, you shall receive the confirmation on all vaccinations (vaccine record card, certificate of vaccination) plus a health certificate (not older than one week), the document on the chipping (if available) and the kitten’s cat food for the first few days.

The probably most important point of all: Please do NEVER buy a kitten because you feel sorry for it! And please always visit a cattery of which you want to purchase a cat!

The website “Norwegische Waldkatzen Schweiz” hopes to have been able to support you on your mission of getting a furry new friend for life. We wish you the best of luck with your search for the perfect kitten for you.


Breeder directory


